News - Category 'Internet'
In the sections for files for pagers the set KOLOBOK for nConvers++. Original has appeared.
09 February 2007 - 11:01:00 0
Continuing the good tradition of codes standardizing for all popular Internet-pagers,
27 August 2006 - 21:14:44 0
[b]KOLOBOK For IEView. Original [Big Pack][/b] for Miranda IM is ready and can be downloaded in the section of files for pagers.
24 August 2006 - 21:05:48 0
I have updated the archive KOLOBOK For IEView. Original for Miranda IM.
21 August 2006 - 16:12:00 0
In our archive appeared the new set of smileys [b]KOLOBOK For QiP. Original [Big Pack][/b].
04 August 2006 - 15:52:00 0
Recently a new version of the popular pager QIP build 7960 appeared. Besides some changes in the program code this new version has also big changes in the codes of animated smileys.
02 August 2006 - 15:47:00 0
As I began painting my first smile, I couldn’t imagine how difficult is gif.
30 July 2006 - 15:40:00 0
Skin: Light-Beige (Conservative) for 2.1.x
29 July 2006 - 15:36:36 0
In the site archive you can find a set of smiles for QIP-pager Smilies for Qip by ViShenk@.
03 July 2006 - 15:20:59 0
Special for Jimm users, the set of smiles in the Koloboks.
01 July 2006 - 15:13:27 0