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 Forums temporarily will not work  
Dear visitors, especially those of you who reads kolobok's forums. We are informing you, that this place will not work tonight and tomorrow due to technical servicing.

We apologize.

Autor:  dilia  03 February 2008 - 20:13:46 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 Сбой работы сервера  
Сегодня с утра сайт был недоступен. Приносим свои извинения за сбои. Сейчас все работает в штатном режиме. К сожалению, любые неполадки нашего сервера теперь отражаются на огромном количестве сайтов. Это выражается в виде ссылок со смайликами, которые становятся недоступными. Ничего страшного не произошло, все починили и все работает, спасибо компании Host Ing.Ru.

Autor:  Aiwan  19 January 2008 - 20:11:25 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 New smileys  
There are such moments, that smile expressing a particular emotion came into general use so much, that it seems, no better one can be painted. But it isn’t so. Several days ago I started to paint a new kolobok expressing his negative attitude to something. By the way I decided to vary the emotion of approbation. As result second ones were more interesting and better than the sad one, that was the first. Why am I actually surprised? Sad emotions succeed hardly, koloboks play tricks and laugh with great relish! They are standard for dark and light background.

kolobok kolobok kolobok

Autor:  Aiwan  15 January 2008 - 20:09:55 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 A little of updating and adding  
Laie has updated two already existing koloboks kolobok

And new work from Viannen:

Autor:  dilia  09 January 2008 - 22:18:11 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 The set of big koloboks  
Dear friends!

The artists of the Kolobok's site congratulate you with the coming celebration. The koloboks family has grown, and many people of the world have enjoyed spending the past year with us. We will do our best to make the following year even better.

HAPPY NEW YEAR, dear friends! And the warmest wishes to all of you!!!

Пусть Дед Мороз под Новый год
Вина в бокалы Вам нальет,
Чтоб были песни веселей,
А ночь прекрасней и светлей.
В предновогодний день, с любовью,
Неся с подарками мешок,
Желая счастья и здоровья,
Вас поздравляет Колобок!!!

Autor:  dilia  30 December 2007 - 22:11:23 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 A small lot of mini-koloboks  
Last time I don’t paint a lot, I’m tired of different mega-packets. Such a way of creation exhausts me. To create a good work you need willing, inspiration, special mood and free time. If you lack something, you don’t want to look at editor with koloboks. Today I had conditions enough only for six koloboks, which are available at the section of mini-galleries. More and more frequently I am asked to paint at least the main mini-emotions. I haven't thought, that they will be so popular, but I seem to have made a mistake. Not that I am hardly working on the mini-set, I just wanted to paint a little bit and should use my wish in a right way.

smile smile smile smile smile smile

I have also decided to make my personal portfolio-site I would be very obliged, if any professional could help me with design, html (for a favorable price). Please send me an e-mail.

Autor:  Aiwan  26 December 2007 - 22:07:57 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 Koloboks and Mail.Ru Agent  
The company Mail.Ru is well known among Russian net users. It owns the most popular charge-free mail server and many people command its services. It has also its own client with an unique protocol Mail.Ru Agent. I have a good news for kolobok fans. We have concluded a contract with this company and mini-koloboks have already appeared in the new version of the 5th Mail.Ru Agent. These mini-koloboks seem to look harmonious in the existing concept of these program version. But it’s a pity, that there existed some stiff restrictions concerning the size of the works. I had to compress koloboks 20х20рх. They seem to have lost their juiciness a little bit, but may be it’s only the first experiment and our further cooperation will be more effective. You can visit the site of the company and simply download the last version of the program with koloboks. I want to create a special gallery for these smiles on my site, the size of each work is fixed on 20рх, they are cut and can’t be used on websites. I still think about this problem…

Mail.Ru Смайлики

Autor:  Aiwan  21 December 2007 - 22:05:52 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 Update of the main archives  
Today I’ve finally updated all main archives for standard sets and for extended packets (Big Pack). Now it’s done with inconsistency of different clients and everything is done on basis of a pack for QIP Infium. Inasmuch as its codes are set as default. I’ve also updated the packets for pagers QIP and Miranda. Other packs I haven’t done yet. That’s why I’m asking the authors of assemblies to carrect everything in the required way.

I also want to inform you, that a build of program ICQ6 with built-in koloboks has already appeared on the ICQ-site. I have downloaded it after I was informed by the company. Yes, there are koloboks, you have to reinstall the ICQ-version, if you are a fan of this client. All ICQ6-codes will be understood by the new packet "Big Pack", as I initially insisted on correspondence of codes to my smileys.

For those, who doesn’t understand anything, but wants to “paste these goddamn koloboks", I explain: you don’t need to send me e-mails asking me to send you all smileys. To get an answer you have to say, for which program you actually need them. It would be better for you to install programs with built-in koloboks: QIP, QIP Infium, ICQ6. I won’t answer to such letters, because I don’t have enough time for it. Sorry.

Autor:  Aiwan  30 November 2007 - 22:01:00 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 No spam!  
Dear visitors, boys and girls, teenagers, nunks and aunties, grannies and gaffers! We love you very much and we are glad to see you on our kolobok-site, to read your reviews. But please don’t spam with smiles in comments of news and files, in the guest book. Otherwise we will have to ban the rowdies and to incapacitate them from using koloboks!

Autor:  dilia  14 November 2007 - 21:55:43 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 KOLOBOK For Gajim. Original [Big Pack]  
В сети довольно много разных клиентов для разных протоколов, я пользуюсь двумя и конечно могу не знать всех. Этот пробел мне помогают восполнить преданные сторонники клиентов. Сегодня я добавил архив KOLOBOK For Gajim. Original [Big Pack] для клиента Gajim. Он содержит полностью стандартную сборку [Big Pack] и все желающие могут скачать смайлики и установить себе такой пакет. За это счастье благодарите Nebo.

Autor:  Aiwan  06 November 2007 - 21:52:21 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
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