Ok, I got it… I agree…
A new smile from the section of standard emotions. It expresses the feeling, when one is proving something loudly and the other one answers: “Ok, ok, I got it!”.
Autor: Aiwan 17 February 2005 - 23:03:09 Comments: 0
 Modification Custom Clickable Smilies
If you are administrator of a forum, you must have faced such a problem as claims of users connecting the assortment of smiles in the answer table. Every user has his/her own favorite and frequently used smiles, that other users may not like. Disputes continue: which one to add, which one to delete. One day I saw a post, where was described a mode ( Custom Clickable Smilies) allowing every user to create his/her own assortment in the answers panel or speedy answer panel. It means, that the user chooses himself/herself, which smiles will appear in the smile table. Clicking on the chosen smiles he/she will get their code in the post not opening the whole set of forum koloboks. Of course I found this mode and its author, theIggs! Thanks a lot to him for this add-on and for having understood my asks and for having translated its instruction into Russian. He also was kindly to publish the code on this site, I want to thank him once more for it!
Autor: Aiwan 06 February 2005 - 22:54:54 Comments: 0
 The main archive of koloboks updated
I have updated the F ull archive of all smiles today, it is now available by the new reference and has a version v1.7. If you can’t find it yourself, follow this reference. It includes smiles of the last month as well as those, which I was asked to cut from the buttons of our site. I also divided them into groups, separately IPB, mine and the new ones.
Autor: Aiwan 30 January 2005 - 22:49:48 Comments: 0
 Don’t lie to me!
Hello everybody! Today is the birthday of a new kolobok! Frankly speaking, I can hardly imagine how I could describe the feelings expressed by it. May be: “Hmm...You seem to keep something back!”. I don’t know whether you need such a smile, but I do.
Autor: Aiwan 23 January 2005 - 22:46:35 Comments: 0
 A couple of skeptic koloboks
I haven’t been here for so long, I hope you don’t think that I got lost. I finished several smiles today. Here is a couple of them expressing skepticism Well… ( Мдя...) and Uh-uh… I wanted to create only one, but there are two of them. I hope you like at least one of them.
Autor: Aiwan 18 January 2005 - 22:43:52 Comments: 0
 Our visitors smiles
I have an idea. Visitors may want to see their creations in one of the site sections? I mean smiles. You send your smile to me, I have a look at it, and if it seems good to me, I publish it for everyone in the section for koloboks. If you like this idea, please comment this news. We’ll discuss details...
Autor: Aiwan 05 January 2005 - 22:38:32 Comments: 0
 Beer and koloboks…
Long ago I wanted to make a smile of koloboks drinking beer. But I couldn’t succeed to make them interesting. But today I finally could express the feelings of long New Year holydays. Happy New Year once more and Merry Christmas!
Autor: Aiwan 04 January 2005 - 22:35:30 Comments: 0