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 Ok, I got it… I agree…  
A new smile from the section of standard emotions. It expresses the feeling, when one is proving something loudly and the other one answers: “Ok, ok, I got it!”.

Autor:  Aiwan  17 February 2005 - 23:03:09 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 A new button 88х31  
Another new button of my site appeared. If due to some reasons, you weren’t satisfied by the first one 88х31, this one should pass. It is more simply and conservative.

Author’s emoticons KOLOBOK-Style

Autor:  Aiwan  10 February 2005 - 23:00:00 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 A new patient in the Ward №6  
One new patient appeared today in our Ward №6, his nickname is Conjurer. I advise all admirers of this location to get acquainted to him.

Autor:  Aiwan  08 February 2005 - 22:57:53 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 Modification Custom Clickable Smilies  
If you are administrator of a forum, you must have faced such a problem as claims of users connecting the assortment of smiles in the answer table. Every user has his/her own favorite and frequently used smiles, that other users may not like. Disputes continue: which one to add, which one to delete.

One day I saw a post, where was described a mode (Custom Clickable Smilies) allowing every user to create his/her own assortment in the answers panel or speedy answer panel. It means, that the user chooses himself/herself, which smiles will appear in the smile table. Clicking on the chosen smiles he/she will get their code in the post not opening the whole set of forum koloboks. Of course I found this mode and its author, theIggs! Thanks a lot to him for this add-on and for having understood my asks and for having translated its instruction into Russian. He also was kindly to publish the code on this site, I want to thank him once more for it!

Autor:  Aiwan  06 February 2005 - 22:54:54 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 The main archive of koloboks updated  
I have updated the Full archive of all smiles today, it is now available by the new reference and has a version v1.7. If you can’t find it yourself, follow this reference. It includes smiles of the last month as well as those, which I was asked to cut from the buttons of our site. I also divided them into groups, separately IPB, mine and the new ones.

Autor:  Aiwan  30 January 2005 - 22:49:48 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 Don’t lie to me!  
Hello everybody! Today is the birthday of a new kolobok! Frankly speaking, I can hardly imagine how I could describe the feelings expressed by it. May be: “Hmm...You seem to keep something back!”. I don’t know whether you need such a smile, but I do.

Autor:  Aiwan  23 January 2005 - 22:46:35 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 A couple of skeptic koloboks  
I haven’t been here for so long, I hope you don’t think that I got lost. I finished several smiles today. Here is a couple of them expressing skepticism Well… (Мдя...) and Uh-uh… I wanted to create only one, but there are two of them. I hope you like at least one of them.
колобки колобки

Autor:  Aiwan  18 January 2005 - 22:43:52 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 100х100 Banner  
I prepared a 100х100 pixels banner without animation. If you want to place it on your site, just say it to me.

Autor:  Aiwan  08 January 2005 - 22:40:50 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 Our visitors smiles  
I have an idea. Visitors may want to see their creations in one of the site sections? I mean smiles. You send your smile to me, I have a look at it, and if it seems good to me, I publish it for everyone in the section for koloboks. If you like this idea, please comment this news. We’ll discuss details...

Autor:  Aiwan  05 January 2005 - 22:38:32 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 Beer and koloboks…  
Long ago I wanted to make a smile of koloboks drinking beer. But I couldn’t succeed to make them interesting. But today I finally could express the feelings of long New Year holydays. Happy New Year once more and Merry Christmas!

Autor:  Aiwan  04 January 2005 - 22:35:30 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
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