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 Hearty koloboks from Connie  
They have been made before than Laie's works, I have sent them to all my friends, but forgot to announce them here. Excuse me!

They are really wonderful:


Autor:  dilia  10 June 2007 - 12:55:48 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 Several works from Laie  
Here is several works from amigo Laie. Really multifarious line of works. There is an actor, and gamers, and sportsmen, and minis, and even a piggy!

smiles smiles smiles smiles smiles smiles smiles smiles smiles smiles smiles

smiles smiles smiles

Autor:  dilia  07 June 2007 - 12:51:10 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 One more gamer  
As I promised I made the player with gamepad. Maybe I did not show all the trajectory of the gamepad moving and did not show all the gamma of player's emotions, but I transfered the general idea.


В стандартный набор смайлов пейджера QIP вскоре добавится еще один ряд смайликов. Если вы хотите принять обсуждение в этом вопросе и предложить свои варианты, то ваши предложения оставляйте в этой теме.

Autor:  Aiwan  10 May 2007 - 20:48:00 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 New smiles: Gamers  
Long time ago I planned to make such smiley, but I could not decide how will it look like. If to make a smile with joystick, then 'doomers' and 'quakers' will not "respect" it. When I'm watching for my five years old son, when he plays 'the ninja turtles' I think there must be one more kolobok with joystick, but for now only three new patients have been added to the Psicho Ward.

kolobok kolobok kolobok

Autor:  Aiwan  05 May 2007 - 20:46:18 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 New kolobok: 8 new minis  
Every portion of minis make us closer to the moment, when I will be able to make a full pack of mini for pagers. Maybe then we will get more kolobok's fans. Who did not like standard smileys for big volume, will be able to look at own messages and see that images don't ruin the text line.

smiles smiles smiles smiles smiles smiles smiles smiles

Autor:  Aiwan  03 May 2007 - 20:41:58 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 New minis  
New portion of minis. Here is 4 works. In nearest future I'm going to make a set of mini of general emotions like in QIP and Miranda. Just in case I made short variant of the drinking koloboks, because it is mini, but weight of full variant is identical with their big brothers.

smileys smileys smileys smileys

Autor:  Aiwan  26 April 2007 - 20:39:13 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 New koloboks: Mini Crazy  
I need to make up my mind before to do some difficult work. To remake ready kolobok to a mini one is not so hard as to draw a new one from beginning, but not all of koloboks easy to remake. Long time I was waiting for forces and good mood for the remaking of one of most popular and complex smileys - the Crazy. Though he does not look the same with his big brother, but he convey his lively spirit as well.


Autor:  Aiwan  05 April 2007 - 20:36:00 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 Quick and full quotation IPB 2.2.x  
Answering your talker on forums you often need to copy his/her message partly or fully, and standard means allow you to use in the speedy answer only the BB-code [quotation][/quotation]. But now you can install a small add-on Quick Quote and Reply in IPB 2.2.x, that allows your users to quote without any troubles. The hack itself is javascript-file and several modifyings in the forum stencils. It takes 5-10 minutes. After the installation, if you select a text and push the button Reply, it will be copied in the form for speedy answer with all attributes (nick, date and time). If you simply push the button without selecting any text, a new window for answer with quotation of the whole message will open, as it must be on default. The author of this modification NeoJSmith.

Autor:  Aiwan  22 March 2007 - 20:31:40 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 Smiles to Jimm by ViShenk@ v1.1  
Обновлен набор смайлов для мобильного ICQ Smiles to Jimm by ViShenk@. Теперь набор содержит 72 смайла в стиле колобок, обеспечена совместимость кодов с QIP, ICQ, Miranda и другими ICQ-пейджерами.

Autor:  Aiwan  21 March 2007 - 09:09:32 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 New smiles: I'm so angry!  
At the forum our artist Laie tried to make an angry emotion. At first i was interested by this theme, but later I thought I'm not able to cope with an evil smile because I don't like to draw negative emotion. And I would not draw it if in that time I had not felt angry because of my job's problems. So I made it and even more than one variant. 'Light' and 'dark' animation is not the same sometimes. It was lazy to make it absolutely identical.

kolobok kolobok kolobok

Autor:  Aiwan  19 March 2007 - 13:06:41 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
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