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 TV-series "Kolobanga" is ready!  
About a year ago I wrote that studio "Kolobanga" had begun shooting of TV-series about koloboks. And finally production of the first season is coming to its logical completion. Premiere of the series in Russia is scheduled for Autumn 2015 on STS channel. And I not accidentally wrote 'in Russia' because quite unexpectedly for us the series has attracted interest in Europe. And European audiences will see the series in 2016!

Series Kolobanga

So, watch the series trailer, like and share it everywhere. Support koloboks! Together we will lead our pets to a new height of success!

Series Kolobanga Series Kolobanga
Series Kolobanga Series Kolobanga
Series Kolobanga Series Kolobanga
Series KolobangaSeries Kolobanga

Autor:  Aiwan  27 September 2015 - 15:28:59 Comments: 0   printer friendly  

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