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Smilies for IEView by ViShenk@
Author ViShenk@
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Author website
Description This is expanded set of smiles for the IEView (Miranda IM) plug-in. This set contains 95 smooth contours smileys (for light/dark backgrounds). The archive contains: program for smiles installation, description in russian and in english. The set includes artworks of following authors: Aiwan, Vishenk@, snoozer, kuzya, kezayah and others.

This set of smiles probably to use with Miranda only at the established plug-ins: IEView and Scriver or tabSRMM (But better IEView + TabSRMM). Establish these additions and use. We shall combine with codes ICQ and other popular codes.

I recomended to switch on an option in IEViwe plug-in: only replace isolated smiles.
Filesize 1.01 MB
Date 21 February 2007 - 20:53:00
Downloads 10636
 10.0 - 2 votes 
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