Koloboks and Mail.Ru Agent
The company Mail.Ru is well known among Russian net users. It owns the most popular charge-free mail server and many people command its services. It has also its own client with an unique protocol Mail.Ru Agent. I have a good news for
kolobok fans. We have concluded a contract with this company and mini-
koloboks have already appeared in the new version of the 5th Mail.Ru Agent. These mini-
koloboks seem to look harmonious in the existing concept of these program version. But it’s a pity, that there existed some stiff restrictions concerning the size of the works. I had to compress
koloboks 20х20рх. They seem to have lost their juiciness a little bit, but may be it’s only the first experiment and our further cooperation will be more effective. You can visit the site of the company and simply download the last version of the program with
koloboks. I want to create a special gallery for these
smiles on my site, the size of each work is fixed on 20рх, they are cut and can’t be used on websites. I still think about this problem…
Autor: Aiwan 21 December 2007 - 22:05:52
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