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Full Big Kolobok Collection
Author Aiwan
Author email
Author website
Description Full archive of all New style smiles, all that is made by me at present time.

* Exclusive rights for this format kolobok for Instant Messaging (IM) (e.g. MSN, Skype, Yahoo, Miranda, QIP etc.) belong to ICQ, Ltd.
Filesize 603.63 kB
Date 12 October 2009 - 10:05:59
Downloads 45959
 9.5 - 24 votes 
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Danijel  06.04.11 - 14:21

I never beleived I could find such nice smileys. Thank you so much for this goooooood work!  

Aiwan   09.04.11 - 15:09

Comments: 455

Thank you   

salar   07.05.11 - 19:51
Comments: 2

How can i add kolobok smiles straight to bombus online constructor .jar or .jad file

smiles section with out need to download  

Aiwan   08.05.11 - 13:23

Comments: 455

You need to ask the authors of the program. I do not know.   

salar   12.05.11 - 17:44
Comments: 2

they told me you should download kolobok smiles and then add it to .jar file with PC but im still :-S...  

Aiwan   12.05.11 - 18:56

Comments: 455

I do not use bombus. I do not know that there must be added. Sorry.   

aghoose   16.06.11 - 07:27
Comments: 9

a thousand thank you

can you add some smiley from emoji emoticon?  

Aiwan   17.06.11 - 11:23

Comments: 455

I do not understand the question. Where to add?  

sikter   23.09.12 - 21:27
Comments: 1

:shanke_hands: and :respect: are needed!  

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