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KOLOBOK Smiles Toolbars
Author Hyron
Author email
Author website
Description This is plugins for popular browsers. Its allows to have all koloboks in form of offline galleries. You will able to add your loved kolobok at any place of your text by simple double clicking. Also you can collect your own gallery with loved emotions. This archive contain using direction, and toolbars for Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome. All this happiness was made by Hyron.
Languages: russian, english.


KOLOBOK Smiles for Firefox
KOLOBOK Smiles for Opera 9
KOLOBOK Smiles for Internet Explorer
KOLOBOK Smiles for Google Chrome
Filesize 931.36 kB
Date 12 February 2012 - 19:35:51
Downloads 28449
 8.9 - 21 votes 
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Lightbulb   05.04.09 - 20:47
Comments: 1

i have a problem...
i download this script normally but then, when i want to extract it, it reports an error.

Aiwan   06.04.09 - 07:16

Comments: 455

All of our artworks are archived. You need to install any programm that works with archives and unpack the downloaded file into needed folder. Programms examples - WinRar, 7Zip. If you have a RAR, you might need to download the file again.

p.s. Just download and unpacked on my computer.


annikia12   23.05.09 - 14:36
Comments: 1

hi thank you  

Aiwan   24.05.09 - 16:58

Comments: 455

Our hero - Hyron   

Aiwan   05.07.09 - 17:36

Comments: 455

Download new version.   

Pauze   25.10.09 - 22:58
Comments: 2

I've put to many smileys in my Favourites. How can I deleted them out of the favourites?
By the way a great Plug-In!   

Aiwan   26.10.09 - 19:23

Comments: 455

Ha Ha. You're right! I just checked, remove fails.
We must ask the author. He'll think of something.  

Aiwan   30.10.09 - 18:06

Comments: 455

Yes, all true. Delete button has disappeared. The author has promised to soon fix.  

ChasUK   07.01.10 - 07:46
Comments: 2

While waiting for the fix on the delete link, I found that if you right click and choose "Toggle table/flex view", when you then right click again the delete option re-appears.  

ChasUK   07.01.10 - 07:48
Comments: 2

Oops. Never mind. I see this is fixed now.  

Aiwan   07.01.10 - 23:19

Comments: 455

I am glad to hear it.   

philomath   08.08.10 - 21:07
Comments: 3

Any plans for a Google Chrome version?  

Aiwan   09.08.10 - 09:03

Comments: 455

Yes, the version of Chrome will, but only when all options will be stable and will not be redone. Where is the documentation for those who write applications for this browser?  

philomath   29.09.10 - 18:19
Comments: 3

Looking forward to it! I use Chrome, almost exclusively these days and would love to have access to my favorite koloboks! Cheers!  

Aiwan   04.10.10 - 11:38

Comments: 455

I'm glad that you like koloboks. But without your help, we can not do for the addition of Chrome. Help to test it in this thread. Thank you!  

philomath   05.10.10 - 20:14
Comments: 3

I didn't know. I'm on my way to start testing right now! Thank you.  

Pauze   14.11.10 - 20:38
Comments: 2

Is it possible to re-arrange the koloboks in the gallery?  

Yuritch  14.11.10 - 21:55

You can remove all and build them into a new order.  

Femma  07.12.10 - 04:21

Updated. to v 1.7, and all smilies was gone.

I edited the ksmile.xml-file..
All url, with
I changed that to

Then they all came back. *happy*
I use Firefox 3.6.12  

Anonymous  07.12.10 - 04:29

From (ex) (not working)

Aiwan   07.12.10 - 12:58

Comments: 455

Sorry, we're technical work. Soon everything will work as before.  

Anonymous  07.12.10 - 19:59

It works for me after I edited the ksmile.xml-file myself.   

Wolvie  01.01.11 - 15:58

Hi, I just download this new version, unfortunatelly the new section, Cherna is not included

I really like Kolobok Smilies, very cute.  

Wolvie  02.01.11 - 17:03

Correction, there are many new smilies from Cherna in Smiles of Visitor section .

I'm sorry I just didn't check it before .

Thanks 4 all Kolobok artis   

Aiwan   03.01.11 - 07:05

Comments: 455

It's okay The main thing is that you understand all.  

Joan  15.08.15 - 01:28

Dosen't works for Chrome!  

Aiwan   20.08.15 - 08:21

Comments: 455


Django  05.02.16 - 02:07

I use Pale Moon Browser. I can install the Kolobok Addon for Firefox, but Smileys are not visible in the toolbar. All is blank. I've tried to import a galery by dowloading the Full archive from you Webpage. But it doesn't work. It seems the toolbar accept just xml files. Have can i insert smileys in the gallery?  

Aiwan   10.02.16 - 15:42

Comments: 455

I'm sorry, but the author of the program does not support it anymore.  

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