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ATTENTION! The settings of galleries are allowed for registered users only. You have to log in to manage them. Registered users can collect favorite smiles from all galleries of the site on personal page, and also to set quantity of koloboks that will be displayed on one page.

Author's collection of koloboks. Artist - Viannen

Koloboks (emoticons, emotions, smiles, smileys) - the best way to transfer your own emotions! If it is not enough for you to use just words if emotions overflow you if your words can be interpreted incorrectly then all of this is a reason to add a smile into the text! You can choose one of these koloboks and use it at a forum or in a chat. Simply click on the smile you like, copy a code-reference and insert it into the message.

 ubb  html  ezboard  url  
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smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok
smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok
smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok
smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok
smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok
smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok
smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok smile emoticon kolobok
smile emoticon kolobok

All works in the current gallery are intended for private use only! The current images can freely be used in noncommercial messages or personal correspondence (email). For use at homepages, chats, forums, blogs etc. any permission it is not required to private persons. It is FORBIDDEN to edit images, to spread as a part of any archives and to use for profit earning.

You can contact the author through the form of a feedback of our site or make use of our forum.

Copyright © 2006 Viannen


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