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 The second season has started!  
At the end of September, the second season of Kolobanga started! Who does not know, this is an animated series about our koloboks. What is Fidonet hiding? Where did Maidum go? How to get out of the social network? What to do with tons of spam? And most importantly: will the Internet be saved? You will find answers to all these questions in the new season of Kolobanga!

And also, the studio worked on the bugs and optimized the first season. Now in the 1st season as many as 12 episodes, including new scenes! Look for new moments, share your findings in the comments.


Autor:  Aiwan  13 October 2016 - 10:58:47 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 TV-series "Kolobanga" is ready!  
About a year ago I wrote that studio "Kolobanga" had begun shooting of TV-series about koloboks. And finally production of the first season is coming to its logical completion. Premiere of the series in Russia is scheduled for Autumn 2015 on STS channel. And I not accidentally wrote 'in Russia' because quite unexpectedly for us the series has attracted interest in Europe. And European audiences will see the series in 2016!

Series Kolobanga

So, watch the series trailer, like and share it everywhere. Support koloboks! Together we will lead our pets to a new height of success!

Series Kolobanga Series Kolobanga
Series Kolobanga Series Kolobanga
Series Kolobanga Series Kolobanga
Series KolobangaSeries Kolobanga

Autor:  Aiwan  27 September 2015 - 15:28:59 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 Koloboks on TV!  
It is not a secret that koloboks were drawn in 3D style. But there was too early to speak about it, as long as the project "Kolobanga" is not fully grown. A few days ago we reached an agreement with the producer center "Kolobanga" about the transfer of production rights to animated series of Koloboks adventures. The series will be released on the main russian TV channel "CTC". The series begins on kid's winter vacations, at the Dec-Jan of 2014/15.

The series will be based on the 3D technology. All the work of 3D graphic and animations made the Kolobanga and a team of freelancers. The script writer is Vyacheslav Marchenko, producer of the project - showman Alexander Revva. My participation in the project is as the author of the original idea, as the co-writer and as the consultant on various "Koloboks" issues. But, rather, I'm grumbling and stomping feet in chat with the team by Skype and throw the whole studio into a depression by the words: "It is not looks like!", "It's need to be elaborated!", "I not agree!" and so on. So I very like it!

The idea to make an animated cartoon about the koloboks exist long time ago. But this requires finance, professional animators, time, etc. The process is very difficult and very slow,unfortunately. And I'm glad that there were people who believed in koloboks and their potential. I very much hope that the result of our cooperation will bring alot of enjoying for viewers! Good luck, Koloboks on TV!

p.s. The teaser of Koloboks series is available right now.

Autor:  Aiwan  06 September 2014 - 06:00:15 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 We has changed the server  
The Koloboks project has changed the server that it was using in last three years. There were some reasons for it: from excess power and till the necessity of modern software. Now everything is working on normal mode but if you will notice any errors please inform us about it here or at the forum. Thanks for understanding!

Autor:  Aiwan  07 January 2012 - 20:21:16 Comments: 2   printer friendly  
 Kolobok Toolbar for Firefox 8  
Kolobok Toolbars for Mozilla Firefox was upgraded till version 8 today. You can download the new plug-in version v1.11 in the File section.

Autor:  Aiwan  13 November 2011 - 09:42:54 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 Kolobok Toolbar for Firefox 5  
Kolobok Toolbars for Mozilla Firefox was upgraded till version 5 today. You can download the new plug-in version v1.10 in the File section.

Autor:  Aiwan  03 July 2011 - 22:51:19 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 High Definition Koloboks [Big pack]  
Finally we finished a huge job of adapting the extended package of koloboks in HD format. We understand the impatience of all those who would like to get such package from the moment its have been realized. But you must understand that to draw hundreds of drawings in such size, it is a very difficult job that requires a lot of time. Once again we should say "great thanks" to Sergey (StarWind) and start to use this set exclusively for personal, non-profit, without malicious intent, purposes. You can download the new HD Koloboks in the File section.

Specially for those who are coding their own instant messaging programs! I inform you that only QiP has got exclusive rights to use this HD set. Independently of the status of your project, you can NOT use the HD koloboks in content of your product.
kolobok kolobok kolobok kolobok kolobok kolobok

Autor:  Aiwan  10 June 2011 - 23:51:48 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 Kolobok Toolbar for Firefox 4  
Kolobok Toolbars for Mozilla Firefox was upgraded till version 4 today. You can download the new plug-in version v1.9 in the File section.

Autor:  Aiwan  19 April 2011 - 21:24:59 Comments: 0   printer friendly  
 Kolobok Toolbar for Google Chrome  
The archive of Kolobok Toolbar has been updated again. The new thing in archive is a new Kolobok Toolbar for browser Google Chrome. Of course the version for Mozilla Firefox has been updated too. Except old error's corrections and getting new (just kidding), there is a new function - the toolbar now is working with Thunderbird! So Hyron is continuing to rejoice us and amaze with the skill. Huge thank to him for his work!

Autor:  Aiwan  11 December 2010 - 08:50:12 Comments: 1   printer friendly  
 Koloboks and Sochi 2014  
On the 1st of September 2010 the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee opened the national competition to Design a Mascot for the 2014 Sochi Games. Everybody could send a work to the competition. So, I have already mentioned that the Russian animators (heading by Aleksandr Hashman) have been working on 3D Smiles in Kolobok style. We – together with Aleksandr – tried to imagine how our Smiles could have looked like as a mascot for the 2014 Sochi Games. I’m not good at 3D, so I was just providing ideas and playing a role of a critic. All the 3D work was completed by Aleksandr (thanks a lot!). Unfortunately, we weren’t in time for taking part in the competition (it closed on December the 5th) because we have only recently got known about it. But still you can see what we’ve done.

талисман Сочи 2014 колобок

Autor:  Aiwan  07 December 2010 - 22:39:11 Comments: 14   printer friendly  
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