News Item: A set of smiles for Miranda IM - pager
(Category: Internet)
Posted by Aiwan
09 April 2005 - 21:15:30

A new set of animated smiles for internet-pager Miranda KOLOBOK For IEView. Original is now available. This set can be used with Miranda IM only with installed plug-ins: IEView and Scriver or tabSRMM (IEView + TabSRMM is even better). Install these add-ons and use it. Compatible with ICQ-codes and other popular codes. Reads Russian letters in codes.

For example, LOL will look like . I recommend you to switch on the following option in plug-in IEViwe: only replace isolated smiles.

I won’t describe, what else can you find in these plug-ins. I haven’t installed anything for a long time myself and I was surprised by opportunities offered by them: they support skins, avators and so on. As well as animated smiles, I couldn’t find it anywhere else. But QIP will soon appear, and it has everything in it! Including my smiles! Well, our choice! kolobok

This news item is from Author's emoticons Kolobok Style. Kolobok smiles
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