News Item: New smiles: Heavy morning
(Category: Koloboks)
Posted by Aiwan
09 August 2007 - 21:39:32
I thought I'll get long weekend after big job for ICQ, but it has not happened. Here are five new work... rather three works with variations. First koloboks are fighting with slumber like I'm. This is my actual feelings after month of night working... And next koloboks need no introduction. I made same koloboks before... well not the same but very similar.
I also try to collect thoughts and to write everything going round in my head. For the moment I have written 2 articles, the third one is already written, I need only to publish it. So, don’t forget to visit the section for articles, you may find something interesting, and those, who haven’t read my interview to the site of painters, go to the new section "This has news value!" to overtake arrears.
p.s. I collect information about the history of graphic smiley creation. The first painters, the first works. Send me everything you have on this subject, I will be very obliged!
This news item is from Author's emoticons Kolobok Style. Kolobok smiles
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